Author: Children's Heart Institute

Signs of Heart Problems in Children and Teens

Most of us don’t think children have heart problems, but did you know that 2,000 children of all ages die each year from sudden cardiac arrest in the United States? It is responsible for up to 5% of all deaths in children from 5 to 19 years old. That is just one such heart problem and there are more. Read further to learn the most common signs of heart problems in children and teens.

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Top 5 Tips to Get Kids to be More Active

According to a CDC obesity report, childhood obesity has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. While there are many contributing factors, many experts agree that children do not get enough exercise. Increasing physical activity can boost your child’s heart health and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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How To Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death In Young Athletes

A young athlete participating in organized sports or heavy exercise dies from sudden cardiac arrest every 3 days in the United States. Put another way, that is less about 100 young athletes per year.

No matter how you consider these statistics, it’s devastating if it’s your child. The media will often cover these sad stories because they are so, seemingly, rare. No doubt you have read about these tragedies and  wonder why they happen.

Let’s review the causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes, and how they can be prevented.

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Face Mask Tips For Children During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the CDC recommends children over the age of 2 wear masks in social situations, many parents worry their child will have a problem complying  with this mandate. If you are among those concerned parents, here are some practical face mask tips for children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Office Update

Children’s Heart Institute is closely following the most up-to-date announcements and information on the known cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Because this information is always changing, we will be monitoring all updates from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control.

If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, please make sure to contact us via phone prior to your appointment. You may also contact us with any additional questions by calling our office at (703) 481-5801.
